Now is a critical time for us to act in solidarity with Guatemalans seeking justice for genocide. Given Efraín Ríos Montt's desire to secure a spot in Congress, which would give him parliamentary immunity from domestic prosecution and arrest yet again, now is the time to urge Guatemalan Attorney General Licenciado Florido to follow international law and move the litigation to bring Ríos Montt to justice forward.

Please tell your friends, familiy, coworkers, and classmates to complete this online urgent action.



I will be in Guatemala to explore the human rights situation from June 23-July 19th. For this reason, I cannot guarantee that this blog will be updated during my month of absence.

During my stay in Guatemala, I will be meeting with the lawyers prosecuting the Guatemalan genocide case. If you understand Spanish, their website is http://www.caldh.org/. If anyone has any questions or comments they would like me to address to the lawyers, please put a comment on any blog entry, as I promise to read them.


Friday, June 22, 2007

The June 26th Delegation


I'll be gone to Guatemala for a month, so this site may not be updated until I get back at the end of July. While there, I will be visiting the Guatemalan lawyers (caldh.org) prosecuting Ríos Montt, so if anyone has any questions or comments you'd like me to relay to the prosecution team, please respond to this entry with your question/comment.

Meanwhile, I want to leave with an update about my local Amnesty Chapter, Group 4 (Seattle)'s efforts to initiate a Congressional Resolution calling for the arrest and extradition of Ríos Montt to Spain. This upcoming Tuesday, June 26, Group 4 will be meeting with Washington Senator Patty Murray and House Representative Jim McDermott to propose both Senate and House Resolutions regarding the aforementioned arrest and extradition.

On April 27, 2007, a Congressional Letter signed by various members of the US House and Senate, was sent addressing the Guatemalan Attorney General, Licenciado Juan Luis Florido, to prevent
Ríos Montt from running for Congress (and thereby gaining parliamentary immunity) and to call for his prompt arrest and extradition (in accordance to the ruling by the Spanish National Court). The April 27th letter can be accessed by clicking here.

This upcoming Tuesday, Group 4 will be meeting with Senator Murray and Representative McDermott to propose that they sponsor (and preferably seek bipartisan co-sponsors) a text Resolution drafted by Amnesty International USA in D.C. If our local Congressional representatives agree to sponsor a Resolution to extradite
Ríos Montt, then Amnesty USA can move on to drafting the actual text of the Resolution. If the Resolution were to pass, this would be a significant victory at home, because a Resolution, compared to the April 27th letter, would carry the weight of the nation (so to speak), rather than just the signatures of a few Congressional reps.

Thank you to Eugene Martin and Aaron Tovo of Group 4, as well as Leanne Smith (Amnesty's Legal Advisor), for drafting some talking points for the June 26th delegation.

Hopefully, I'll be able to find some way to relay the outcome of the delegation to the Guatemalan lawyers I'll be meeting with.

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